It's only recently that I have discovered that some people seem to think that setting up a blog about the team they support, gives them some kind of status and sense of importance.
Some Manchester United bloggers suddenly believe they are actually working for that football club and have inside information on the club they follow, they are so far up on their high horse that there views become distorted and I actually believe that some of them think they have a chance of being the next manager of the club they support.
Most worrying to me is the fact that some of these so called bloggers are quick to climb above their high horse where they are content to look down and challenge other supporters about their views and opinions.
Being a blogger gives you no divine right to think you are better than anybody else. It should also not make you think that you support and care for the team you support more than any other supporter.
Football is all about opinions and it's what makes the sport so interesting, we have so many things to discuss and not everybody agrees with your point of view all the time.
Certain bloggers seem to think that their opinions are unquestionable or unchallengeable and this is where the problem arises.
I have no problem with anybody making a point, if I don't agree I will simply argue the point, but some bloggers seem to think that questioning their options is offencive and will go as far as blocking you on twitter or deleting your comments from their blog?
I run my own blog and I can say 100% that any criticism of what I write is looked on as constructive criticism, I would never dismiss some body's point of view without fully hearing that person out first, if I didn't agree I would not condemn that person for their views.
I am sure to some football supporters this will sound familiar, only recently I was blocked on twitter by two, shall we say "top reds" on twitter, my crime was to question and debate the points of view they were expressing, seems petty to block me considering I was not abusive in any way and never would be when discussing football sensibly.
I am not taring all bloggers with the same brush, the majority that I follow are run by people who I communicate with through twitter and are polite and willing to listen to your point of view, but it seems that there are some who need to climb down off their high horse and realise that not everbody will agree with the points you make, we all have our own opinions that should be respected.
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ReplyDeleteI was actually discussing this in the pub last night. My friend runs a general football fan website/blog but can't get past the fact he's a city fan. Most of his blogs mainly slag off every team other than City or really big city up. He was moaning about not having many followers and people leaving and this discussion started. I was trying to make the exact same point as you have here. A blog is an opinion and upon writing it you sort of agree to having your opinion challenged. He couldn't really see this point and will continue to loose followers. I have never blogged despite being asked to but I know I could do a damn sight better than some of these morons on twitter. Like you say any wing nut can write a blog and these people will eventually find them writing to nobody but themselves.
ReplyDeleteDefine irony!
ReplyDeleteMust admit this gave me a giggle - not least the terrible spelling from the headline onwards - but if you're going to have a pop at your 'fellow bloggers' you should probably name names. Much more fun.
So you come to a Manchester United blog because you want to read something about Manchester United... and instead you find the rant of some bitter little man whose all time page views are a fraction of the daily views the bloggers he is complaining about enjoy. Why is that, do you think?
ReplyDeleteDo you know what an apostrophe signifies? "High Horse's"? If you feel like other bloggers are looking down on you, it's probably because you can't grasp basic grammar and spelling, let alone put down a succinct viewpoint. It's probably because as educated people, they are embarrassed morons like you are taking to the internet in a bid to represent Mancunians, showing them up.
Why don't you get down off your soap box, dry your eyes, and find something you're actually good at? Grown men shouldn't be making a show of themselves like this, Kevin. It's embarrassing.
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DeleteThis article is very funny, it sounds like its about Scott the red !
ReplyDeleteAre you talking to "Scott not a Red", as you like to call him, grown man? Best of luck with improving your literacy.
ReplyDeleteSounds like this write up has hit a nerve with some people!
ReplyDeleteBest article I've read for a while. As for the moron commenting about spelling/grammar that's not a issue to me tbh, the point still comes across. And only a pathetic, up his/her own arse idiot would take issue with it anyway.
ReplyDeleteObviously this article has hit a nerve with the very people/persons it describes, my views and opinions wont always match those of other people but I am at least open to debate them.
Too many people on twitter think they're famous because they write a blog, I have to commend them though as it must be extremely difficult to type while their head is firmly stuck up their own arse.
u r all moist